Would you like to see a 3D version of events taking place live inside the Large Hadron Collider? If so, you are in luck! The LHSEE app, provided free on Google Android phones and tablets, does just that. It was started by a physicist at Oxford University while he had a moment of inspiration over a cup of coffee. His self-described "eureka!" event has given us this geek-tastic app, which has been approved by CERN. Below is a very short video detailing the LHSEE. More here.
Below is a must see video, but for now... the introduction!
Theo Janson is a kinetic sculpter and builder in Holland. He has used PVC piping to create very life-like structures that harness the wind to move. These creations look like bugs crawling up and down the sand dunes. These things are so realistic that it is almost hard to believe! They seem to effortlessly move around in a strange insect-like way. I know if I had a beach, I would want one. Hell, I want one anyway!

 Make sure to watch this video all the way through. I am absolutely astonished!
Or the other one is, "Bartender says: We dont allow your kind in here, Neutrino walks into a bar..."

Whats all this about? Recently scientists at CERN Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland have reportedly clocked neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light. If these results can be independantly verified to be true, it would mean more than just a speeding ticket for these uber-small particles. The implications would lead to a shake-down of the most fundamental building blocks of modern physics. It would mean that inheritantly and most fundamentally, Einstein was wrong.
Modern scientists disagree on many things when it comes to the universe, such as size, shape, and origins. But one concept has generally been well accepted across the board in the physics community : that the speed of light was the great cosmic barrier that no massive particle can cross. Einsteins second paper, titled "General Relativity", postulated that energy and mass were interchangeably relative to one another. Simply put, it lead to the idea that particles gained mass as they accelerated, and that any mass accelerated to the speed of light would become infinitely massive, and thus would require an infinite amount of energy - essentially making this scenario impossible.

The big question is whether researchers have truly discovered neutrinos going faster than light, or whether they have been fooled by an unidentified error in their experiment, making the time look artificially short. Chang Kee Jung (a neutrino physicist at Stony Brook University in New York) says he’d wager that the result is the product of an unidentified error. “I wouldn’t bet my wife and kids because they’d get mad,” he says. “But I’d bet my house.”

It is still too early to say one way or another, and we are still a long ways off from throwing relativity out of the window. However, the implications are profound, and tantilizing. Basically it means that if were to observe at a great enough distance, we could see the results of our expirement before we start it. These results from the future alone shake the very foundational understanding of how time itself works, and could open the doors to such things as time travel. How friggin cool would THAT be?? For now, we will just have to wait and see, or maybe we can get a sneak peak from the future!

A very interesting fellow who goes by the moniker UFO Phil has plans to build a sort of gas station for UFO's -modeled after the famous Giza pyramid - on Alcatraz Island. He claims to be working in conjunction with the United States Government on the massive UFO-powering project, which by his estimation would involve "millions and millions and millions of pounds of limestone bricks" and would be aided by extraterrestrials using CB radios. More on UFO Phil and his plans here.
This video got it right. I think Hawking stepped away the victor... or maybe he rolled, but still!
There are tons of these on YouTube. Everything from Lady Gaga vs Sara Palin to Dr. Seus vs Shakespeare. Each one is a must see!
Here is a collection of entrancing cinemagraphs, a blend of photo and video that shows motion in one area of the frame in order to highlight a specific movement, which is then looped for effect.This very creative technique has found a niche within the movies of Stanley Kubrick, which can be found here.
    Stargazers are in for a treat this October. Not only will the reliable Orionid Meteor Shower come later this month, but tomorrow the Earth will see a return of the Draconid Meteor Shower.

    Unfortunately for our American readers, the shower is scheduled to peak around 4pm EDT. Individuals from Europe to the Middle East will have the best chance to see the spectacular 500-1000 meteors per hour at its peak. However, fear not fellow Americans. There should still be a good show left after sunset for the Eastern US, well worth taking a peak outside tomorrow night!
Here are some very cool U.S. paper currency creations by Dan Tague. These money sculptures use the text print on the bills to create messages, such as "The End Is Near", "The Kids Are Alright" and "State of Fear". Via ArtStormer.
Thieves that can only be described as both bold and enterprising have made away with an entire bridge in North Beaver Township, Pennsylvania. The recession has caused scrap metal to become a valuable commodity, which in turn has led to a rash of metal thefts all across the nation. Places such as abandoned houses, schools and even churches have been frequent targets. Thieves have taken stretches of railway, but have not been able to take an entire bridge - until now. More on the carry-away caper here.
    Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory, even me. There are a few out there that appear to be so far gone that there is no way to find any basis in truth. (Chemtrails... really?) However, there are some pretty far fetched theories that have come to be proven true in the end. Here are just a few.

#1. The Tuskegee Experiment:
        In the early 1930's, the United States government was keen on addressing the issue of Syphilis, a nasty disease that at the time was not readily treatable. What did our wonderful government of the time decide to do? How about go to backwoods Tuskegee, Alabama, round up around 400 mostly poor black men, inject them with the disease, and see what happens. Yes . . . for years it was kept hush hush, but it came to light that our government was not beyond putting its own citizens in possible mortal danger to achieve a result. Way to go...

#2. Operation MKUltra:

        April, 1953. After responding to rumored mind control experiments being conducted by Soviet Russia, our very own CIA founded Operation MKUltra. Tons of time and resources were dumped into a program designed to control your mind! Reportedly ending with no success, the operation was supposedly later tanked to no avail. Or was it...

#3. Operation Northwoods:
        Another attempt to thwart the evil commie bastards. Fidel Castro was put into place as dictator over Cuba by the US Government. Unfortunately, he decided that he didn't like American capitalist pigs so much, and sided with the Russians. This would not do for the CIA, and ultimately lead to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Not so well known was Operation Northwoods. This bugger of a plan not only made it to the final stages of development, but was very near to fruition before ultimately being dropped. The plan was to create a fake Cuban national group stationed in the US, Hijack a plane full of college students under the guise of Cuban nationals while simultaneously launching a replica UAV of the jet, and crashing into a National Monument in order to drum up public support for a Cuban Conflict. They got so far as designing and developing the unmanned jet, and completing successful trial flights. The fact that this plan was so close to being carried out makes some conspiracy theorists look at an event that took place about 10 years ago and say ... hmmmmmmmm.